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Whispered but not proposed – could a lockdown be coming?

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7 minutes ago, Tjampman said:

You are talking about England, right?

Just opened up for VIP travelers to get a view of the finals, but fans no they can't come!

I know it’s frustrating, but the VIP part was essential to host the games in London. I also expect the VIP’s may sit quietly in their seat watching the game. Not jumping around each other and shouting loudly spraying Covid droplets everywhere as football fans do. It’s a risk with the VIP’s but a bigger risk with fans from countries with relatively lower vaccination rates. 

Enjoy the game wherever you are watching. May the best team win and hope it’s a good game. I’ll stick my neck out and say 2-0 England !! Please don’t let it go to penalties. Your keeper is far better than England’s !! 

Keep safe as you can peeps in Thailand. I rant to my Thai wife in the kitchen swearing  verging on the incoherent at how the whole stinking  elite 'coalition' have betrayed the county at it's hour of greatest need. One day Thai's may fight for the right to stand proud rather than crawl at the feet of those that would enslave them. But they have the guns and the power and won't be relinquishing that anytime soon and anyways decades of mother's milk brainwashing have made a docile population who accept their fate with a degree of noble equanimity. Such is their lot and their good nature.

"Jai yen , jai yen" she says , but all historic 'yellowness' she may once had has long since been washed away. If there was a free and fair election the whole stinking lot would be washed away on a tide of popular revolt. 

We can but dream. 

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5 minutes ago, billybob said:

If there was a free and fair election the whole stinking lot would be washed away on a tide of popular revolt. 

And, sadly, that is precisely why they will never allow a fair election.


Edited by SickBuffalo
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3 hours ago, SickBuffalo said:

Tourists fully vaccinated with effective Western vaccines (as opposed to Chinese tap water) are probably the safest people to be around right now.

The danger NEVER came from Western tourists and expats. Every outbreak stemmed from people crossing over illegally from neighboring countries. 

this is why quarantine for tourists will not help, the virus and delta variant is in Thailand already,
will not be importet by tourists

1 hour ago, billybob said:

Keep safe as you can peeps in Thailand. I rant to my Thai wife in the kitchen swearing  verging on the incoherent at how the whole stinking  elite 'coalition' have betrayed the county at it's hour of greatest need. One day Thai's may fight for the right to stand proud rather than crawl at the feet of those that would enslave them. But they have the guns and the power and won't be relinquishing that anytime soon and anyways decades of mother's milk brainwashing have made a docile population who accept their fate with a degree of noble equanimity. Such is their lot and their good nature.

"Jai yen , jai yen" she says , but all historic 'yellowness' she may once had has long since been washed away. If there was a free and fair election the whole stinking lot would be washed away on a tide of popular revolt. 

We can but dream. 

Eloquently put. I also have found myself in utter frustration when having similar conversations with Thais. Those who are educated in the west are generally wealthy enough not to worry too much. It’s the rural poor that hurt most and are least capable or coordinating a response. The red shirt movement was as close as it got. The good news however, is I’m a firm believer that if something is wrong it will change. It may take a long time, but it will change. 

As a lucky westerner I sometimes wish my country would do more to put pressure on these situations, but Thailand has no oil. It’s not threat militarily and is a strategic ally in the back yard of China. It’s possible that the silver lining with this pandemic is that it could be the catalyst for change. I’m not holding my breath mind you. 

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34 minutes ago, bushav8r said:

Well, if you only test a fraction of the nation then, as Trump stated, you'll lower the infection rate overnight.

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11 hours ago, Stonker said:

My heart bleeds, after Bangkok's dumped on the rest of  the country for decades, bleeding it dry.

Up country they're used to it, and it's about surviving not profiting.

Where, locally, the fields are usually 80:20, sugar cane for commercial sale to rice for personal consumption and local sale, this year it's 70:30 as  there's around 50% more rice being grown so that at least they can eat.

Meanwhile they see the vaccines going to Bangkok and Phuket.

The country hasn't been more divided for years, even in the days of reds and yellows.

That my friend is so very true and and the wealthy Thais  of  Bangkok choose to ignore it as it is an uncomfortable truth and many Foreigners living in Bangkok never see it because they never leave the place.

Edited by gummy

A dozen of my coworkers have been infected with Covid. All of them are being treated at home because there are no more beds. 

This comes after our company demanded we all go back to work in-person citing since the government hasn’t ordered an official lockdown it’s safe to return to work   


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10 minutes ago, 9S_ said:

A dozen of my coworkers have been infected with Covid. All of them are being treated at home because there are no more beds. 

This comes after our company demanded we all go back to work in-person citing since the government hasn’t ordered an official lockdown it’s safe to return to work   


You're not getting paid to sit at home some more. Grow up.

  • Haha 1
7 hours ago, satpete said:

this is why quarantine for tourists will not help, the virus and delta variant is in Thailand already,
will not be importet by tourists

If only the virus would mutate that it would only infect the world's current crop of politicians and/or despot leaders. If only, if only

11 hours ago, Tjampman said:

You are talking about England, right?

Just opened up for VIP travelers to get a view of the finals, but fans no they can't come!

Yes England specifically opening up after the 19th


Is there any credible independent evidence that lockdowns actually work? 

Is lockdown a proportionate response, considering the health, social and economic damage that lockdowns do?

There is so much information that we blindly accept as fact, simply because at its source, it comes from Pharm,  Fauci or the mercenary media.

The States have opened up again, and some European countries who did not lockdown seemed to fare as well if not better than those who did lockdown. 

What does that tell us?

The job of the media used to be to question everything that came from government.

I wish we had open debate and had independent points of view allowed

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2 hours ago, AdamX said:

Is there any credible independent evidence that lockdowns actually work? 

Is lockdown a proportionate response, considering the health, social and economic damage that lockdowns do?

There is so much information that we blindly accept as fact, simply because at its source, it comes from Pharm,  Fauci or the mercenary media.

The States have opened up again, and some European countries who did not lockdown seemed to fare as well if not better than those who did lockdown. 

What does that tell us?

The job of the media used to be to question everything that came from government.

I wish we had open debate and had independent points of view allowed

I don't think there is an "easy" answer to your great question. Unfortunately, countries have been doing different combinations of things, have reported stats that often suit their own needs and have different advantages and disadvantages. What is a "lockdown" in one country is vastly different to another. Even in one country, they can have differing forms of lockdowns or no lockdowns with restrictions! (So confusing!)

My home country Australia has become lockdown reactive to any breakout and a lot of that is fear orientated. Is it worth it and does it really help? You could split my mates 50/50 on that. So much is individual state based decisions with our PR Prime Minister making plans with no substance and trying to grab credit.

However, nothing they do (and they have done some silly things) is on the scale of the sheer stupid battle going on between the left and the right in politics in the USA! (Sorry off point a bit).

Sadly, too often, when thinking about the proper Covid-19 response, I am reminded of a cartoon image I saw when younger. It was of a man drowning in quicksand and crying out for help. While he was drowning, his mates were there holding a committee meeting, debating whether to throw him a rope or a tree branch to save him!

I don't know the solution....just know we have do something now to save lives.

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, AdamX said:

Is there any credible independent evidence that lockdowns actually work? 

Is lockdown a proportionate response, considering the health, social and economic damage that lockdowns do?

There is so much information that we blindly accept as fact, simply because at its source, it comes from Pharm,  Fauci or the mercenary media.

The States have opened up again, and some European countries who did not lockdown seemed to fare as well if not better than those who did lockdown. 

What does that tell us?

The job of the media used to be to question everything that came from government.

I wish we had open debate and had independent points of view allowed

It depends what you mean by “work”?  If you are asking , do lockdowns reduce the rate at which the virus spreads, then yes, they do work. If you are asking, do lockdowns reduce Covid cases and remove it as a problem long term to a country, then no. However, lockdowns were never meant to be a cure. They simply control cases which allows healthcare services time. They allow track & trace functions to clear backlogs and they buy you time to vaccinate the population and develop other treatments and methods to reduce fatalities. 

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3 hours ago, Soidog said:

It depends what you mean by “work”?  If you are asking , do lockdowns reduce the rate at which the virus spreads, then yes, they do work.  

After reading the experience of Sweden, Florida and a number of other USA states, the empirical and anecdotal evidence suggest otherwise.

Even if it could be shown that lockdowns result in any lasting tangible benefit, proposing such extreme measures would be completely out of proportion.

Only the cruelest and heartless would propose such things if they took into consideration the mass unemployment, health impact and loss of personal freedom that comes along with blind blanket lockdowns.

What kind of world are we living in?

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23 hours ago, Stonker said:

My heart bleeds, after Bangkok's dumped on the rest of  the country for decades, bleeding it dry.

Up country they're used to it, and it's about surviving not profiting.

Meanwhile they see the vaccines going to Bangkok and Phuket.

The country hasn't been more divided for years, even in the days of reds and yellows.

I'm with you, Stonker.  After a decade and a half of watching the South get shit on, I've no sympathy for what happens in the Big Smoke.  I just wish they'd keep their damned infections inside their own borders and quit "going home" with the virus in their pocket.

6 hours ago, AdamX said:

After reading the experience of Sweden, Florida and a number of other USA states, the empirical and anecdotal evidence suggest otherwise.

Even if it could be shown that lockdowns result in any lasting tangible benefit, proposing such extreme measures would be completely out of proportion.

Only the cruelest and heartless would propose such things if they took into consideration the mass unemployment, health impact and loss of personal freedom that comes along with blind blanket lockdowns.

What kind of world are we living in?

I think the key word there is “lasting”. Lockdowns are not meant to be lasting in the sense of reducing the infections and holding them there. It’s rather like applying the breaks to a car heading downhill. Depending on how firm the brakes or lockdown is applied, determine how quickly and by how much things are slowed down. Release the breaks or the lockdown and things quickly get back out of control. It does little more than buy your some time. 

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On 7/7/2021 at 8:13 PM, AlexPTY said:

the L-thing is to contain a spread of I-word, there is no point for L-word now, when I-word is already spread everywhere 

I want to understand what you say, but you never make sense.  King Cotton usually garbage cans posts like this.

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