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News Forum - UK police condemed for arresting anti-monarchy activists


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Labour MP Zarah Sultana and a number of civil liberties campaigners have conveyed their dismay after heavy-handed police officers this week cracked down on anti-monarchy activists following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Several peaceful protestors were seen holding up placards with “Not my King” and “Abolish the Monarchy” written on them in Edinburgh, London, and Oxford causing police to swoop in and make arrests.  Civil liberties campaigners say they are concerned that their freedom of expression is being quashed. Labour MP Zarah Sultana was dismayed at the reaction of the police. She said… “No one should be arrested for […]

The story UK police condemed for arresting anti-monarchy activists as seen on Thaiger News.

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I think there is a time and a place for everything, but to turn up at somebodies funeral, whether it be the Queen or not and start shouting and demonstrating is in the very least very poor taste.

How many of us would turn the other cheek if these idiots turned up at our mother's funeral and starting doing the same, these people are sick in the head and are attention seekers.

Next week there will be something else to draw attention to themselves.

As for Zara Sultana things like this upset the poor little rich girl but not one word about the child grooming in these Labour run constituencies.

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3 hours ago, Thaiger said:

Labour MP Zarah Sultana and a number of civil liberties campaigners have conveyed their dismay after heavy-handed police officers this week cracked down on anti-monarchy activists following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

This Woman is The UK's answer to Illan Omar in The US she has no loyalty to UK law her loyalty is with a version of religious law.

Her opinions are not asked for or appreciated by the majority of The UK Public.

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There may be a time and place for their protests, but now is not the time and shows a general lack of common sense and intelligence on how their actions would be received.

The public right now is not in the mood for such discussions and such open displays of a lack of common decency, understanding, and gauging the correct mood of the nation as a whole.

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It wasn't arrest, it was protective custody - for their own protection. Freedoms come with responsibilities. I will defend anyone's  right to express a point of view, no matter how much I disagree with it - but this was not the time or the place.

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