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News Forum - 45,000 counterfeit items seized nationwide in one month

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Fake Gucci handbags, Nike shoes and Prada sunglasses with low price tags can be found around every corner of almost every market in Thailand and are easily identifiable from their real counterparts. Counterfeit items are popular with locals and tourists alike, but the Department of Intellectual Property wants to make an example that selling fake brand names in Thailand is illegal. In January alone, 45,000 counterfeit items were seized nationwide. The Royal Thai Police seized nearly 43,500 items and the Customs Department seized a further 3000 items, including handbags, shoes, garments, hats and eyewear. The police arrested 113 people in […]

The story 45,000 counterfeit items seized nationwide in one month as seen on Thaiger News.

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19 minutes ago, Thaiger said:

In January alone, 45,000 counterfeit items were seized nationwide

Making room for new stock of this years latest design and fashion, for the latest arrival of all these new tourists 😉


The sunglasses are actually a health hazard. They are unpolarized but dark. This defeats the eyes natural defense to bright light. UV radiation can increase your risk of developing a cataract or macular degeneration.   


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 I  wonder who'd spend 100s of k purchasing a Rolex from an authorized dealer in Thailand. I'm sure they're genuine, but when  friends ask where it's bought, the prestige sinks like a lead Balloon, not to mention the secondhand value- with a receipt from a Pattaya Rolex shop😂

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39 minutes ago, DoUKnowWhoIAm said:

 I  wonder who'd spend 100s of k purchasing a Rolex from an authorized dealer in Thailand. I'm sure they're genuine, but when  friends ask where it's bought, the prestige sinks like a lead Balloon, not to mention the secondhand value- with a receipt from a Pattaya Rolex shop😂

I bought a Olrex Yoster off a black bloke at a market on the border between Monaco and Italy. They get the insides from the actual factory and fake the rest apparently. The bloke started at 30euro but I resolutely bargained him down to 22euro. I lost it in a burglary so it probably serves me right. 

12 minutes ago, Poolie said:

I bought a Olrex Yoster off a black bloke at a market on the border between Monaco and Italy. They get the insides from the actual factory and fake the rest apparently. The bloke started at 30euro but I resolutely bargained him down to 22euro. I lost it in a burglary so it probably serves me right. 

I am a watch guy

Have a few that are 10k usd, have a few others in the 3-5kusd range

And have some $100usd watches that I love


I bought a high end replica TWC watch here in Vancouver for $200cad that I wear when I travel so that it gets stolen or lost I don't mind

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