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Smoke-free for almost 5 years; some thoughts

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I am approaching five years smoke-free and am fiercely proud of myself; when I was a smoker, I really didn't believe that I'd ever quit. I thought that I'd offer up some thoughts, especially to the smokers out there, in the hope that it'll assist you in quitting; please note that I said "assist", if you want to quit, you have to do it yourself. (Full disclosure; I was a heavy smoker for several decades.)

I am not going to bother with all the medical reasons for quitting; if you don't know them, it is because you don't want to know them and I can't help you with that. I can only say that sticking your head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich isn't a productive approach to life; if you had a tumor growing out of your neck the size of a cricket ball, you would do something about it. If you don't see that smoking is worse than that, then... put your affairs in order while you can and have a nice day.

What is smoking? 

It is a process whereby a drug, nicotine, is delivered/injected into you so that you'll want more and thus create profits for some A-Hole who got you addicted as a money-making scheme. 

What are cigarettes? 

Cigarettes are nicotine delivery/injection devices that deliver a dose or a 'hit' intermingled with burning, acrid smoke. Seriously, would you put your face over a newly-lit bar-b-q and inhale the acrid smoke? No. Why? Because there is no 'reward', i.e.. no nicotine. Would you put your face over the smoldering embers of a camp fire and inhale deeply? No. Why? Because there is no 'reward', i.e.. no nicotine. Would you approach the exhaust pipe of a racing car, bend over and suck it all in? No. Why? Because there is no 'reward', i.e.. no nicotine. Would you go outside in the fall, collect dried leaves, crush them up and roll them in paper, light them on fire and inhale them? No. Why? Because there is no 'reward', i.e.. no nicotine.

But you do with a cigarette. 

Because it gives you your drug, nicotine.

Smokers will often say (remember, I was one for a very long time) "It eases my stress levels". No, it doesn't. It eases your addiction/withdrawal symptoms. Smokers will often say "it compliments my beer/alcoholic drink". No, it doesn't. It eases your addiction/withdrawal symptoms.  Smokers will often say "I could stop if I wanted to, but I like smoking". No, they couldn't or they would have. Smokers will often say "It gives me something to do with my hands". No, it doesn't. It eases your addiction/withdrawal symptoms. Smokers will often say "I know that I should quit". But, they don't. I know all the self-deluding things to say as I said them to myself again and again and again and again.

There is no other way to say it; smokers are drug addicts (and again, I was one too).

Smokers; when was the last time you went to bed without checking that you had smokes for the morning? Smokers; when was the last time you went out in shitty weather to get more cigarettes? Smokers; when was the last time you were beginning an event, a nature hike for example, without ensuring you had enough cigarettes to tide you over? Smokers; when was the last time you left your house without your smokes? I could write pages and pages of similar questions, but why bother? When I was a smoker, I know what the answer to the questions was, and so do you.

So, what to do?

The key to quitting smoking is the decision to do so; everything before and after that are merely details.

I hear you saying "that's pretty obvious, you lemur-brain monkey!" or "Doh!" or "Spot on, Captain Obvious!" or "Way to go, Einstein!" or "No Shit, Sherlock!". However, it is the key to it all. If you make the decision and prepare yourself to implement it, then you'll have a very good chance of succeeding quickly. If you say something like "I know that I should quit, but..." or "I'm too busy to do it now..." or "I'll do it another time..." or "I tried, but it didn't work..." or some other no-good reason, you will fail. In my case, I decided, with utter determination, to quit on the ensuing Monday; I gave myself about a week of constant re-enforcement before D-Day. If that works for you... great. If not, then do what you need to do. 

What to expect? 

One thing that I have learned is that everyone is different. Some people, after making the decision, just breeze through it all and never smoke again (I really, really want to smack them in the head, unfairly). Others go through utter hell, but do come out the other side. I was more to the 'utter hell' side, but not all the way; you'll learn where you are after you begin.

The rest is details. Some people use drugs to help them (Chantix?). Some people switch to vaping and quit that way; I have always felt that vaping is merely switching nicotine delivery devices, but it seems to work for some, so... fine by me; whatever works. Some need to try a few times until they get there. Some find it too much, but I have to say that if I could quit, then anyone can; if at first you don't succeed...

Is it worth it?


Your general health will get better. Your lungs will begin repairing themselves that very day. You'll have more energy.  Your sex drive will greatly improve. You won't threaten loved ones with your second hand smoke. Hot girls will throw their bras and knickers at you while you walk down the street. Bikini models will beg you to go to their place for an afternoon of fun. 

If you don't quit, it is just a matter of time before hot girls stop in the street, point at you, laugh, and say "What a loser". And, you'll die much younger than you should and your life won't have been all it could be. Being an addict diminishes you as a person, and it doesn't need to be that way.

So, give it a try. Make the decision, prep yourself to handle it, grit your teeth, ask a loved-one to help, and go for it.

The only guaranteed way to fail is not to try.

So, try.

Good luck.



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It's the most disgusting selfish addiction there is
































So happy you over it 





























As I noted above, and something that I firmly believe based on my own experiences, a smoker needs to make the decision alone to quit and to break the addiction. Yes, others can and will help, but at root it is a personal battle.

One of the trickiest parts is accepting that you are, in fact, an addict.

Personally, I was an addict for decades, but I never admitted it. Yes, I would say things like "Yup, I am an addict", but never truly and honestly took it to heart; I said it to get others off my back.

I came across a few  tests (links below) that you can take in the privacy of your own viewing. They may, repeat 'may', help you along the journey to admitting it. I also included a link to an article outlining that young people are finding it harder and harder to break their addiction.

Happy reads and good luck!





Edited by Shade_Wilder
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30 minutes ago, Marc26 said:

Again, good on you

You seen thrilled with the change

How has the physical changes been?

It must be amazing 

Cheers Mate; it is kind of you to say.

The physical changes are in line with the graphic I posted above. Better breathing (I cycle daily, and so really, really notice), better moods, better skin, better sex life (seriously; I've gone from three to eight hot chicks a night 😎), better outlook on things; just simply better all around.

I still have the occasional... 'mild urge' is a more accurate way to say it than 'craving', but I have a bit of an addictive personality and unfortunate family background, so it is to be expected. I am pretty sure that I am safe now; it has been a few years and I am still adamant (adamant as effing hell!) that I will never start again. However, addiction is both insidious and evil, so I'll keep the guard up for a long time to come.

I have posted this for the person out there who is a smoker and doesn't believe that they can quit, and thus doesn't really try. I get that; I didn't really believe that I could quit for decades, so I didn't really try.

However, it can be done.

Pick a time a few days/week in advance, mentally prepare yourself, read up on tips and tricks (or, post here and I will share everything that I know, and I am absolutely, 100% certain that others will as well), and go to it.

The message is quite simple; if I can quit after being a heavy smoker for decades, then literally anyone can, including you.

It is worth it, and good luck.

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