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  On 3/20/2022 at 7:15 PM, HolyCowCm said:

This is beyond rational thinking and business, unless ofcourse you have grandiose to re-unite the semi old Soviet republic and want to be a or the Czar. Maybe that is why Putin may have had a soft spot for Trump, as the aspiration is pretty much the same .But let’s agree, this is not the way to do it. Couldn’t Putin do it another way and just everyone call him an inspirational genius? He has now ruined the time and place to be considered like a Stalin or whomever led Russia at its greatest times, Even Gorby is so far ahead of this KGB criminal, murderer, who basically raped his own country of all the biggest money makers with his chosen Oligarchs to, take and rape all the riches. I have known he supposedly is the richest deceiving person in the world for over years now. I would love to punch the guy and then sit on him until he says Uncle, get oof of me. He aint that tough except for him being the KGB boss and now president. I ride horses, and could ride a bear too. Has he ever rode a wild cow or broken, or had a bone broken being bucked off? Has the puss ever broken a bone? He needs to be a big little man and step up to show everyone. So for now, I see him as a loud mouth wuss in the safe control from his guards protecting him. Yes, a wuss.

Putin is a powerful short wuss with a big boys complex, or let’s say, say KGB complex who is very dangerous, but all the same a wuss. OK, Biden, or Boris, don’t say anything more. But they are more humanitarian than he is.

Do you take offense I talk about your guy very low? But go ahead and talk about Biden, but at least Biden has a hell of an intelligent team to help make his decisions.


in my message it was not about specific people, but about the system.  

about Putin - you can blame him for many things, but so far he has not done stupid things, he is a very prudent dude and it would be a mistake to underestimate him.

and he's not my guy. he hates people like me, and it's mutual.

Edited by KRLMRX
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  On 3/20/2022 at 6:55 PM, Stardust said:

 Funny that BBC also called it Balkan war


Balkan wars!!!


That is how you got your 'military experience' - from BBC!  Another one keyboard veteran here. 

Edited by Smithydog
Disparaging comment removed
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  On 3/20/2022 at 7:31 PM, Stardust said:

Habsburg (Austria Hungary) were speaking german. Thats why I said the old german language


Omg the link was about the Ukraine history and defintly like lviv was Lemberg. Google Lemberg! The original name of kiev is Kyi from the founders of Kiev. But sure there also name like St. Petersburg and it is German language this name, but I don't know why they have this german name. It could be also the founder liked German names. So if I say German I mean the German language not Germany! Do you understand the differences?!

  On 3/20/2022 at 7:37 PM, KRLMRX said:

about Putin - you can blame him for many things, but so far he has not done stupid things, he is a very prudent dude and it would be a mistake to underestimate him.


Thank you. you really hit that direct and true for reality. Well, for who (friend of family) and what I un-officially know from him as a big authority, Putin has a button all by himself that nobdy and even his guards would be in the vicinity to be able to grab his itchy trigger small man's complex finger if he felt hurt. Real is if this guy got bent, too much, then WWlll for th USA, some parts o the EU, and Russia for what is relevant will be compromised and finsished. I don't for one instance that anybody that has intelligence or reason of hindsight on Putin would really say he is noit capable to press it.

  On 3/20/2022 at 7:37 PM, KRLMRX said:

in my message it was not about specific people, but about the system.  

about Putin - you can blame him for many things, but so far he has not done stupid things, he is a very prudent dude and it would be a mistake to underestimate him.

and he's not my guy. he hates people like me, and it's mutual.


That is good to hear that you and him do not follow the same ideals or paths. 

OK, here is an oddball question and I hope no one takes offense to it. If you were in his admin and had a time or the time to make, to be able to make him go bye bye, would you? Gun, poison, etc. I think he is off his rocker now and his war delusions to become a name like Czar are fully overboard-again delusional. I used to like him, but no way in heck now evn if he did give me a million of his chump change that he pilfered.

Ok guys, let's keep it less lashing out and not teetering against the TT name calling rules. Anyway try to keep it to experience and real info as most every one has, that is except me. Life' instances may be different, but many folk if mandatory for their country have military experience if what they did in one way or the other.

Me no have, and when my dad died and was buried almost a couple years ago now in the USA, he had a  honor guard present, but the request from them was, those in service in the military before could salute appropriately for the fallen  soldier from the N. Korea war, but those with no military service could not and were asked to put their hand over their heart in a tribute that way.

For the Russian kids who should never of been sent into this by BS Czar's head trip creating travesty for who died from sent into war, then I am really sorry. Moms and Dad's must be heart broken. And for the Ukraine folk, my heart goes out to them as well as the kids in the Russian forces that are duped, semi cluesless. Let's just kill Putin and help the Soviet Union get back on its feet with the Ukrains. We can all work and live together. Mostly can. Next in line now is XI. Now how do we all fit this a-hole hardliner who also wants to be like a CZAR or a bvtter than Mao. F-him!

  On 3/20/2022 at 7:37 PM, KRLMRX said:

in my message it was not about specific people, but about the system.  

about Putin - you can blame him for many things, but so far he has not done stupid things, he is a very prudent dude and it would be a mistake to underestimate him.

and he's not my guy. he hates people like me, and it's mutual.


In my opinion you should be banned from this forum for never ending whataboutism and excuses for the Russian war on Ukraine, unfortunately due to the culture of 'free speech' (which as you know is not permitted in your country of residence; Russia) - you are allowed to continue However, given you claim Putin " is not my guy. he hates people like me, and it's mutual" why do you continue with your pro Russia propaganda - how do you  justify the unwarranted murderous Russian occupation and invasion of Ukraine which commenced in 2014?

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  On 3/20/2022 at 12:03 PM, Smithydog said:

However, information or misinformation is just a result. Not the actual cause. Decisions made by leaders, and one in particular, has created the current situation we are seeing today.


the hate towards Russians is also driven by this misinformation.

I mean hate Putin by all means but a whole group of people solely based on citizenship is just stupid.
Most Ukrainians - I know don't even do it as they don't look towards there own "school bombed propoganda" or all "models are now soldiers propoganda" - They speak Russian... they felt Russian to some extent (due to the Sovjet roots.)

So; If Ukrainians with brains don't want to escalate it further and America does everything in her power to escalate it further and even let the world hate Russians (not Putin) but Russians because they are the sole root of evil. They just forgot about what they did in Afghanistan and Iraq. 

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We all are subject, in one way or another, to the seemingly insatiable appetite of some for dominance and power over others. As evidenced by the nit-picking of what to call a war and the school-boy name calling frequenting this debate at times!

I recall the Nuremburg trials and a statement by the British Prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe, to the Nazi Foreign Minister Von-Ribbentrop.

“What is that but war? Do you not consider it war that the Army would march in with a proportion of a division over a battalion, and that the Air Force would bomb Prague?”


What we call something is influenced by our exposure to it and the media spin. Whether it was the “Balkans war”, or “the war in Kosovo” makes little difference. Just like how the Russian President seemingly does not want the words “war” or “invasion” used for the conflict in Ukraine.

Men and Women of power or strength will always call it want they want to. It doesn’t change what it was and is, in this case in the Ukraine. A war. One where once again the inability of the Human Being in solving their differences without the indiscriminate killing of the innocent demonstrates how little we have actually advanced as one society.

No media spin or misinformation can hide that, nor the fact that in this case, Russia was the invading force and chose that course of action regardless of the reasons. Justifying action on the basis of past actions of other countries is not a reasonable excuse for anyone, and in this case, Putin and Russia.

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  On 3/20/2022 at 12:15 PM, Guest1 said:

We can agree that a theater with a bomb shelter, that was marked as having kids in there,  was attacked.

Everything else, these days, is difficult to confirm.

And I am not saying, the Russians didn't do it.

I am just saying that it is a little bit confusing, how reporting about it changed.

And no, I do not read russian news. Since I am certain, that one are in favor of Putins view. 

Also there is enough in western languages , that I can read, mostly understand the first time, I read it (not always, but often ;-) and can see the pov, these news outlets are having.

Which makes it "strange", in case a chance to blame, with numbers, is not used. Straight away from the first body to the last, after they had the chance to get to all of 'em. On other occasions they stated "xx fatalities, but there are more to expect, total number unknown, yet". 

And then there are claims (of course, russian claims), that the Azov Battalion has used that theater as a post.  And blown it up.

Azov is stationed in Mariupol. And in Mariupol there are, right now, the most controversial bombings, first the theater, now the art school, but that has nothing to do, with each other. Right?


Nothing to do with much at all really. If the Russians hadn't invaded last month, there would be no "controversial bombings" like this. Innit?

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A number of off topic, bickering, disparaging personal comments and images without links have been removed as well as the replies to them.

Lets call 'Kyiv' by it's now known name and not revert back to it's name in the bronze age - it's irrelevant to the topic. A few reminders of the forum guidelines gents.

The forum values and welcomes differing opinions within our Guidelines. So, it is likely you will come across opinions you do not agree with! It is fine to disagree with and challenge opinions, ideas, and facts. Attacking another member because their opinion differs, is not.

Respect that each member is entitled to make personal decisions for themselves, and to have them respected, even if you think they are “driving the train to Loonyville”!

Do not defame, insult, bully, or harass, any other member, person, or organisation. Be respectful of a person’s country, race, culture, appearance, gender, sexual preference, religion, political beliefs, education, career choice and age.

All text and posted content must align to the topic and/or the first post under that topic. Posts must be accompanied by a personal comment & a valid working direct link (URL) to any quoted text or data image for verification or for any fact(s) or inferred fact(s) used in a personal comment.


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  On 3/21/2022 at 6:52 AM, Fester said:

You sound confused.


I'm; But not by Russia. Poking the devil with a stick which is what NATO did nobody understands, I for sure don't.

I'm confused by the "NATO". What do they see as next steps? Let Ukraine fix it themselves or Russia... like that's happening same as pictures of Saint Petersburg on my LinkedIn now stating that everyone went to the streets... nobody went... why I know this I have people there - Again propoganda machine what's shown on the picture is a (football) victory of some kind.

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  On 3/21/2022 at 9:06 AM, Shark said:

I'm; But not by Russia. Poking the devil with a stick which is what NATO did nobody understands, I for sure don't.

I'm confused by the "NATO". What do they see as next steps? Let Ukraine fix it themselves or Russia... like that's happening same as pictures of Saint Petersburg on my LinkedIn now stating that everyone went to the streets... nobody went... why I know this I have people there - Again propoganda machine what's shown on the picture is a (football) victory of some kind.


You are still confused. 

NATO was basically there for the common defence of non-communist postwar (NATO) Europe. As the Iron Curtain fell, then expansion was rather inevitable. But it seems evident now that the old school, like Putin, saw this as an immediate threat, also apparent is that they also dreamed of restoring the old Russo-Soviet empire.

The US and NATO (and the EU) would have better been more wary of "poking the bear" too much during the last 30 years but whatever has happened in the lead-up to this invasion, nothing can excuse the murderous tactics and actions of Putin today and recently.

  • Like 4
  On 3/21/2022 at 10:25 AM, Fester said:

You are still confused. 

NATO was basically there for the common defence of non-communist postwar (NATO) Europe. As the Iron Curtain fell, then expansion was rather inevitable. But it seems evident now that the old school, like Putin, saw this as an immediate threat, also apparent is that they also dreamed of restoring the old Russo-Soviet empire.

The US and NATO (and the EU) would have better been more wary of "poking the bear" too much during the last 30 years but whatever has happened in the lead-up to this invasion, nothing can excuse the murderous tactics and actions of Putin today and recently.


Only “poking” is by Unfree Russia & Putin , ludicrously claiming to be “threatened” by Free Democracies banding together defensively & understandably, as NATO, against the clear & present & actual & now proven threat, of Unfree Aggressive Russia. If Russia were Free, no need for NATO.

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  On 3/21/2022 at 11:11 AM, oldschooler said:

Only “poking” is by Unfree Russia & Putin , ludicrously claiming to be “threatened” by Free Democracies banding together defensively & understandably, as NATO, against the clear & present & actual & now proven threat, of Unfree Aggressive Russia. If Russia were Free, no need for NATO.


The trouble with that is what might be seen to be as defensive "banding together" by NATO countries, might be seen as offensive by the bear. It doesn't matter how the west perceives this - it matters how Putin and his allies perceive this, even if their perception is flawed. That's why I used the word wary

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  On 3/21/2022 at 10:25 AM, Fester said:

You are still confused. 

NATO was basically there for the common defence of non-communist postwar (NATO) Europe. As the Iron Curtain fell, then expansion was rather inevitable. But it seems evident now that the old school, like Putin, saw this as an immediate threat, also apparent is that they also dreamed of restoring the old Russo-Soviet empire.

The US and NATO (and the EU) would have better been more wary of "poking the bear" too much during the last 30 years but whatever has happened in the lead-up to this invasion, nothing can excuse the murderous tactics and actions of Putin today and recently.


murderous tactics as how you name them you mean those where thousands of Ukrainians and Russians are still living like nothing happened. US did so much better in Afghanistan and Iraq right?

I'm not stating this is justified, but for a lot of people in both countries this isn't the 'end of the world' as it doesn't impact them.

I today was even talking with an American and he stated I don't know what to believe my Ukrainian friends told me it was just business as usual and they where still living their lives as before. So propoganda much? 

Stuff has been bombed and those whom want to flee now have the ultimate reason todo so. But people where bombs dropped just 50km away they decide to stay since this are their houses. I mean it's a strange world we live in.

What the end of this all will be I have no clue. There are no winners on any side, it's weird that the Ukrainians here on an Island in Thailand decide to wear Ukraine flags on their cars and express themselves by looking at me full of hate.... though shit I'm not Russian nor bothered by them doing it. My wife is and she however hates the behavior they're showing as Russians and Ukrainians have been allies for years - one crazy person doesn't make the whole nation crazy.

This whole bullshit based on citizenship or visual appears (I appear Russian it seems?) is just plain stupid and those whom where already here where already here as tourist (both sides) so why judge people whom are here anyways.

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  On 3/21/2022 at 11:11 AM, oldschooler said:

Only “poking” is by Unfree Russia & Putin , ludicrously claiming to be “threatened” by Free Democracies banding together defensively & understandably, as NATO, against the clear & present & actual & now proven threat, of Unfree Aggressive Russia. If Russia were Free, no need for NATO.


Exactly, very good comment!

  On 3/21/2022 at 9:06 AM, Shark said:

I'm confused by the "NATO". What do they see as next steps? Let Ukraine fix it themselves


Both points are easily answered. 

1) NATO's next step is no different than it's current one. Pump as many weapons into Ukraine as possible. Let Ukraine continue to bleed out the Russian army. As long as Putin keeps the army in Ukraine, it isn't off rampaging somewhere else (read a NATO country). Of course Putin could always just stop the war and go home, but that's not happening. 

2) Ukraine has requested and begged for NATO help. Fact is they want more than they are already getting. So the idea to just leave it to Ukraine to fix isn't grounded in reality. No doubt Russia would wish otherwise and why Putin has threaten so, so many times for NATO to stop. 

The whole issue is tragic and senseless. Putin's objective was to continuing rebuilding the old Russian empire and the process drive a wedge between NATO countries has pretty much blown up in his face. NATO, an organization that was practically dead, is now revitalized and worse remilitarizing. In a cruel irony, Putin will lead to the expansion of NATO. The West is stronger than ever and focused on Russia. Putin has destroyed the Russian economy for at least 20-30 years, and his army has been shown as a paper tiger.  

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After temporarily closing the topic to remove numerous posts and posting some forum rules for members to be aware of, two further posts have been removed.
One off topic debating the differences between British and German concentration camps.
One off topic and disparaging comment posting a video about dealing with Trolls.


Up to you gents, but your wearing the moderators patience out. This is why topics get closed because members ignore the advice of the moderators.

  On 3/21/2022 at 3:13 PM, EdwardV said:

Both points are easily answered. 

1) NATO's next step is no different than it's current one. Pump as many weapons into Ukraine as possible. Let Ukraine continue to bleed out the Russian army. As long as Putin keeps the army in Ukraine, it isn't off rampaging somewhere else (read a NATO country). Of course Putin could always just stop the war and go home, but that's not happening. 

2) Ukraine has requested and begged for NATO help. Fact is they want more than they are already getting. So the idea to just leave it to Ukraine to fix isn't grounded in reality. No doubt Russia would wish otherwise and why Putin has threaten so, so many times for NATO to stop. 

The whole issue is tragic and senseless. Putin's objective was to continuing rebuilding the old Russian empire and the process drive a wedge between NATO countries has pretty much blown up in his face. NATO, an organization that was practically dead, is now revitalized and worse remilitarizing. In a cruel irony, Putin will lead to the expansion of NATO. The West is stronger than ever and focused on Russia. Putin has destroyed the Russian economy for at least 20-30 years, and his army has been shown as a paper tiger.  


Finland & Sweden ( and perhaps Austria & Ireland ?) certainly to join NATO now.

Ukraine to remain a buffer state bleeding to death the Russian military & economy. 

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