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News Forum - Thailand to remain neutral on Russia-Ukraine conflict

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7 minutes ago, Fundok said:

The times of burning fossile energy are coming to an end, irrespective of this war. We only have one planet Earth and everything we can do to preserve it as a habitat that our children and grandchildren can still live on must be done. This goes far beyond this war.

I tend to believe that there is some mockery over here. It's not about making everyone freeze (this will not save one single life) but to get Russia to stop its aggression asap.

I am not sure this assertion is factually correct. Electricity consumers like regular reliable supplies of power. They do not only want electric when it's windy outside or during daylight hours. Seeing as the effective power storage of renewable generated electricity is yet to be invented we will be relying of either fossil fuel or nuclear power for the foreseeable future.

Greens champion solar and wind power. Yet I have never seen an honest breakdown of the cost and fossil fuel required to mine the raw materials, process them, transport them to the solar power/ wind turbine manufacturers. The energy required to make the product then transport it to the end customer. Then maintenance and the expected lifespan of the solar panel/turbine and safe environmental disposal or recycling. Plus the need for fossil fuel power stations to remain running to gauarntee no power cuts when it's dark or not windy. I suspect when it is fully calculated that it would have been better off if we just generated power using fossil fuels.

3 hours ago, Maxellus said:

Coward.  Singapore, an ASEAN nation, has just imposed sanctions on Russia. Thai nationals are in danger but their prime minister is ok with that.  The fact that the conflict is distant is even more reason to take a moral stance on the side of Ukraine. Not less.   I'm willing to bet that this decision is largely influenced by Thailand's association with China.

100% correct. Hiding behind ASEAN is classic cowardice. Malaysia has also said it is stopping a Russian cargo ship from docking in the country. A shameful but predictable act by the Thai Government. Those that fail to condemn such atrocities should be treated the same as the Russians. I hope media outlets around the world name and shame these countries who sit with a large fence post up their selfish backsides. 

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How possibly can Thailand remain neutral when Russian bombs are killing innocent children,mothers and fathers?!

For the sake of a few thousand Russian tourists? Their money? Their investments?  Own interests? I am disgusted! But am I surprised? No, I am not. 

So sad, so sad:-((((

1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

"Russia exports between 150bn and 190bn cubic metres of gas to Europe each year, typically fulfilling 30-40% of demand across the continent."


"MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. The price of gas in Europe in the course of exchange trading continues to beat historical records and has already exceeded $ 2,100 per 1,000 cubic meters according to the data of the London stock exchange ICE on Tuesday afternoon." from 21st December 2021


SO it would be fair to say with recent prices pre conflict that 1 cubic meter of gas is priced somewhere around $2

And it would appear that Russia exports(average between the low and high figures in the Bloomberg article) 170bn cubic meters to Europe each year.

$2 x 170bn = 340 billion $

SO on a per day basis, just a tickle under 1 billion $ a day. Although those prices were from before the conflict started. I expect the daily amount now will be over $1bn. Happy to be corrected if my mathematic is wrong.

This thread is about Thailand sitting on the fence not about oil Exports.

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56 minutes ago, Soidog said:

100% correct. Hiding behind ASEAN is classic cowardice. Malaysia has also said it is stopping a Russian cargo ship from docking in the country. A shameful but predictable act by the Thai Government. Those that fail to condemn such atrocities should be treated the same as the Russians. I hope media outlets around the world name and shame these countries who sit with a large fence post up their selfish backsides. 

Thailand will side with Ukraine, Thailand could not handle to be isolated, economicly or military or strategly. Compare just the economy from Russia before the invasion just to Europe, it was laughable and just a regional power. To go against the G7 ,Thailand is not in any position to handle that economicly or in any other way. These democratic countries countries have over 60 % of the world gdp. Even when China and Russia goes together they could not handle it because their power would be to low including their gdp against the rest of the it isnt even 20%. So as the drums of Bangkok today say Thailand will sided Ukraine.

1 hour ago, Alavan said:

Thailand at its best.

Allways neutral, like in WWII, when the Allied and Japanese fought

Thailand will never be seen as a player on the geopolitical stage. They don't have the stomach nor the backbone for it. They kid themselves if they think any country takes them seriously. Thailand is there to entertain us. That's it. They are a merchant, never a partner. Someone to buy and sell things. Just another court jester. 

  • Cool 1

I totally agree with sanctions on Russia and that Putin should be stopped. In my opinion Thailand shouldn't remain neutral, no question about it. However, I can understand the Thai government's attitude. Anybody criticizing Thailand, please do remind me how many of your governments condemned Bush or Obama when they made barbaric invasions of Iraq or Libya resulting in hundreds of thousands of civilian casualies. We all didn't care much because it was far away and it was our friends who invaded. From the Thai perspective, this is a far away conflict between two farang countries, so don't spit on them just because they behave just like we did when some 'brown people' were 'brought democracy'.

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5 minutes ago, Kat_bi said:

Don't you want to put Americans on the plane with the message that civilized people do not bomb other countries?

Here is a list* of the countries bombed and/or invaded by the United States since the end of the Second World War:

Afghanistan 1998, 2001-
Bosnia 1994, 1995
Cambodia 1969-70
China 1945-46
Congo 1964
Cuba 1959-1961
El Salvador 1980s
Korea 1950-53
Guatemala 1954, 1960, 1967-69
Indonesia 1958
Laos 1964-73
Grenada 1983
Iraq 1991-2000s, 2015-
Iran 1987
Korea 1950-53
Kuwait 1991
Lebanon 1983, 1984
Libya 1986, 2011-
Nicaragua 1980s
Pakistan 2003, 2006-
Palestine 2010
Panama 1989
Peru 1965
Somalia 1993, 2007-08, 2010-
Sudan 1998
Syria 2014-
Vietnam 1961-73
Yemen 2002, 2009-
Yugoslavia 1999

Some of those are blatantly not true though. 

it s great to see many peoples are emotional about what is happening today. i think maybe the human kind has a chance to evolve into the right direction.

However the history is repeating itself, around 1850 the Ukraine and the Crimee was already a strategique area. Ottoman kingdom was weak and Russia did expanded its power placing his own migrant which for most of them are Ukrainians today. Not happy with this expansion France and UK did engage the Russian to stop this expansion ( Military history has a great event known as the charge of the light brigade).  So at the end of the day, it seems Ukraine origine come from the Russian isn t it? ...... hence the the region which presently want to separate from Ukrainian oversight are the richest in term of metalurgic mines. This could explain why Kiew does not want to release these provinces and an internal war , on which we do not really see the picture, does exist since many years. From what i have read what Ukrainians did and do in these region was not better than what the Russian army is doing today. Why western governments did not do anything for this of a very little ? yes it was internal Ukrainian affair, regardless the number of death was there.......nobody did condemn.

so what is the game there?  hummmmm i am not an expert in geopolitic but, it s really look like Russia want expand again as century ago or as they see occident is trying to expand as well they take the first move to avoid the US and NATO to enlarge.

i do not believe Russian Gov do really care about these Russian peoples living in the south of Ukraine, i do not think Ukraine Gov do really care about its own peoples as the first think you might do to avoid the bloodshed is to avoid the fight. I believe once again it is just a question of who has the bigger one, i mean the power. I feel somehow Occident takes advantage of this situation as it would make Russia more dependant from the monetary system "said the dollar" .

if human really wanted to avoid war they will have learned from 2022 years and more of existence that war can be avoided if they really want to...........

Thai government take position, it is indeed not a surprise. Economical demand can make Russia a good partner in a future. Hence Russian investment in Thailand since few years is consequent. 

I think us, peoples who just see the news on tv , on the internet, may not have the whole pictures of all these conflicts around the world ......... Governments do not send their army to save oppressed peoples there is always something behind. History talk for itself.

it is sad to see once again, few persons who know each other who decide to send to war many peoples who don t know each other.

and on top of this who knows how this war is going to evolve? you can imagine since the Russian has activated the dissuasion weapons, all strategic defense in a world are activated. who will be the first to pull the trigger? well good luck to us all. it is a very pessimistic picture i am dressing here but please someone prove me wrong?

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4 hours ago, Totoro said:

How possibly can Thailand remain neutral when Russian bombs are killing innocent children,mothers and fathers?!

For the sake of a few thousand Russian tourists? Their money? Their investments?  Own interests? I am disgusted! But am I surprised? No, I am not. 

So sad, so sad:-((((

Russian banks already bankrupt and in France they will seize all the yachts and villas from the rich Russians. Rubel in a free fall, so in a few days minimum Thailand will nit anymore neutral because it would cost them too much money. Don't forget these democratic have over 60% of the worlds gdp. Russia is economicaly and financial doen and even had no big economy or any meaning on the worlds gdp and now the Rubel is nothing worth anymore and their banks done. So we will see how long they be neutral when it comes about money.

The situation turns out to be interesting.

Russian oligarchs get more profit from oil and gas in rubles and dollars.  

Air China and Emirates will make super profits from transporting people and goods from Europe to Asia.  

China will receive super profits from the supply of equipment to Russia and the receipt of resources at special prices from Russia.  

Ordinary people in Ukraine, Russia, Europe are dying and suffering.

The bearded dude from the 19th century was definitely wrong?

1 hour ago, KRLMRX said:

The situation turns out to be interesting.

Russian oligarchs get more profit from oil and gas in rubles and dollars.  

Air China and Emirates will make super profits from transporting people and goods from Europe to Asia.  

China will receive super profits from the supply of equipment to Russia and the receipt of resources at special prices from Russia.  

Ordinary people in Ukraine, Russia, Europe are dying and suffering.

The bearded dude from the 19th century was definitely wrong?

I guess your source for information is rt news and Putin tv. You really live in a paralell universe and left any contact to the reality.

Just now, Stardust said:

I guess your source for information is rt news and Putin tv. You really live in a paralell universe and left any contact to the reality.

Intersting is in what I read in the german news about the cyper defends from there. There was one interesting part from the BND and MAD about the missinformation campaigns from Russia and that they also analyze social media, forums and the english one, too, to identify them and their networks. And also in the news that anonymous declared Russia/ Putin war. I guess these guys can soon only travel to North Korea or China.

1 hour ago, Stardust said:

I guess your source for information is rt news and Putin tv. You really live in a paralell universe and left any contact to the reality.

the cost of oil and gas (especially in Europe) has increased significantly: https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/CURRENCYCOM-OIL_BRENT/ the dollar now costs not 75, but 120 rubles.  If you hadn't skipped math at school, you might have calculated that oil and gas suppliers are now getting more money in dollars and rubles.

The EU and Russia have closed their airspace to each other. https://m.dw.com/en/russia-retaliates-with-airspace-closure-for-36-countries/a-60947431 If you hadn’t skipped geography at school, you would have seen that the route from Europe to Far East bypassing Russia will increase by about 1.5-2 times. And if you didn't skip economics in college, you'd think it increases the competitiveness of non-European airlines that can fly over Russia.

European companies stop deliveries to Russia: https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/siemens-stoppt-neugeschaeft-in-russland-a-6557b265-26fd-44b7-97d7-d071adcebdb9 If you didn’t skip modern history classes at the university , you would know that China would not refuse to slightly increase prices and sell something similar.

and if you studied the issue at least a little, you would know that RT and Putin hate this bearded dude from the 19th century, they are opposites.

2 hours ago, Stardust said:

Intersting is in what I read in the german news about the cyper defends from there. There was one interesting part from the BND and MAD about the missinformation campaigns from Russia and that they also analyze social media, forums and the english one, too, to identify them and their networks. And also in the news that anonymous declared Russia/ Putin war. I guess these guys can soon only travel to North Korea or China.

maybe it's paranoia. although, most likely - excessive enthusiasm for official media and unwillingness to think critically.

12 hours ago, KRLMRX said:

maybe it's paranoia. although, most likely - excessive enthusiasm for official media and unwillingness to think critically.

You are done! Sure North Korea, Syria, Belarus are with you and living together with you in this paralell universe and them you can tell the North Korea or Putin news are the reality and truth. UN voting shows your Allies 😅🤣😂😆

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