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Explosions In Ukraine.....

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  On 2/19/2022 at 6:06 AM, HolyCowCm said:

General Patton always had it right from the get go. Too bad we can't bring him back to deal with them.


Yes. Clear then Allies needed to Nuke Moscow to free Eastern Europe from tyranny & prevent Communists eventually getting nukes and spreading  the rot. Then they did. Then gave to CCP who have to N. Korea & Pakistan.

Several times we came close to nuclear holocaust between 1960-1985 because tyrannies had nukes they didn’t invent.

  • Haha 1
  On 2/19/2022 at 6:14 AM, Poolie said:

The whole thing is about Joe Biden's failing numbers. American posturing fed by the media for the thick.


Obvious Nonsense. Putin is entirely responsible . NATO reacting defensively . Doing their job.
So Satellite Imagery of Putins invasion force does now lie  and is hardly “numbers / posturing by America / Biden “? Only “thick” people pay attention to satellite data and numerous independent western intelligence reports ….. and tyrant buddy Putin ( & Xi) can do no wrong, just being charitable……right, got it 😂🤣

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  On 2/19/2022 at 6:33 AM, oldschooler said:

Yes. Clear then Allies needed to Nuke Moscow to free Eastern Europe from tyranny & prevent Communists eventually getting nukes and spreading  the rot. Then they did. Then gave to CCP who have to N. Korea & Pakistan.

Several times we came close to nuclear holocaust between 1960-1985 because tyrannies had nukes they didn’t invent.


And apparently Putin is flexing his nuclear muscles right now doing nuclear drills as is in the news. Get rid of him and XI by well placed bullets, and add the little fat boy in NK inot the mix, and the world would be so much better off on the large scale.

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  On 2/19/2022 at 6:10 AM, Cabra said:

Putin wants a cold war with the US and Western Europe... It makes Russia relevant again. What he does not want is body bags arriving in Moscow. 


Putin couldn’t care less about the Russian people except to continue to prop up his oligarchy tyranny …. and 200 billion personal fortune stolen from them.

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  On 2/19/2022 at 6:44 AM, HolyCowCm said:

And apparently Putin is flexing his nuclear muscles right now doing nuclear drills as is in the news. Get rid of him and XI by well placed bullets, and add the little fat boy in NK inot the mix, and the world would be so much better off on the large scale.


Yes, need to somehow liberate all people under tyrants Putin Xi Fat Boy  Mullahs etc. …. 

  • Haha 2
  On 2/19/2022 at 5:23 AM, oldschooler said:

They all naturally & freely lean West … except the Belarus Dictator.

If West wants Russian natural resources they just buy them.
Russia has nothing else of value to sell to West.


The Germans want Russian gas. The US don't want them to buy. Have our goods at double the price; why don't you.

The days of US and its poodles running the world are over. It's a last desperate show of bravado, while their own infrastructure back home is crumpling.

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  On 2/19/2022 at 6:51 AM, snapdragon said:

The Germans want Russian gas. The US don't want them to buy. Have our goods at double the price; why don't you.

The days of US and its poodles running the world are over. It's a last desperate show of bravado, while their own infrastructure back home is crumpling.


Well said!! 😃

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  On 2/19/2022 at 6:41 AM, oldschooler said:

Obvious Nonsense. Putin is entirely responsible . NATO reacting defensively . Doing their job.
So Satellite Imagery of Putins invasion force does now lie  and is hardly “numbers / posturing by America / Biden “? Only “thick” people pay attention to satellite data and numerous independent western intelligence reports ….. and tyrant buddy Putin ( & Xi) can do no wrong, just being charitable……right, got it 😂🤣


Yes. What satellite images? There is none. Just some vehicles parked heaven knows where. How's Russia going to occupy Ukraine with 100k, sorry 120k, oops I mean 150k soldiers? See? Total exaggeration. Putin has been invading Ukraine for five months now and the only thing thats  getting bigger is the noise from American media. Common sense would tell you that Joe needs a hand. Problem is, they've been caught at this before, remember? WMDs, Gulf Of Tonkin, n0-one believes them anymore except the errrrr...

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  On 2/19/2022 at 6:51 AM, snapdragon said:

The Germans want Russian gas. The US don't want them to buy. Have our goods at double the price; why don't you.

The days of US and its poodles running the world are over. It's a last desperate show of bravado, while their own infrastructure back home is crumpling.


I thought it was the French who had poodles?

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  On 2/19/2022 at 7:18 AM, Bluesofa said:

I thought it was the French who had poodles?


The US doesn't need poodles when they have Brandon. These idiotic guesstimates of invasion time ranges just play into Putin's hands, so that even if he did intend to go into the Ukraine, he could dither and dally for months, making the US "leadership" look even more inept than it looks now. In the meantime, boredom would set in and then everyone would start dozing off (no prizes for guessing who would be first asleep). 

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  On 2/19/2022 at 6:06 AM, HolyCowCm said:

General Patton always had it right from the get go. Too bad we can't bring him back to deal with them.


I actually agree with that one, and history shows he was right.  The world would be a far better place if the Allies had wiped Europe clean completely.  For (bleep) sake the world went to war because they invaded Poland, and after WW2 Poland was part of USSR.  @oldschooleris right about the Politicians and Generals that supported the 'peace' after WW2.  That Churchill and Roosevelt even met with Stalin to discuss how to work together to defeat Hitler is one of the most disgraceful acts by world leaders in history.  A very sick Roosevelt in early 1945 threatened Stalin over his breach of their post WW2 agreements (especially Poland), but nothing was done about it after Roosevelt died. Churchill was too focussed on the July 1945 election which he lost anyway. 

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  On 2/19/2022 at 6:58 AM, Poolie said:

Yes. What satellite images? There is none. Just some vehicles parked heaven knows where. How's Russia going to occupy Ukraine with 100k, sorry 120k, oops I mean 150k soldiers? See? Total exaggeration. Putin has been invading Ukraine for five months now and the only thing thats  getting bigger is the noise from American media. Common sense would tell you that Joe needs a hand. Problem is, they've been caught at this before, remember? WMDs, Gulf Of Tonkin, n0-one believes them anymore except the errrrr...


“ some vehicles” being tanks, artillery, armored troop carriers. nothing to do with “media” or “ joe” or “exaggeration “ baloney . Just Action & Reaction.

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  On 2/19/2022 at 8:19 AM, oldschooler said:

“ some vehicles” being tanks, artillery, armored troop carriers. nothing to do with “media” or “ joe” or “exaggeration “ baloney . Just Action & Reaction.


As quoted in the western press........................

Baloney indeed.

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  On 2/18/2022 at 11:46 PM, Rookiescot said:

Putin has overplayed his hand. He didnt expect the west to react this way.

His primary demand is that Ukraine is not allowed to join NATO because he does not want a NATO country having a land border with Russia. Even though there are already NATO countries with land borders.

So whats he going to do? Invade and take over UKraine and end up with a land border with another 4 NATO countries? How does this help?

Then there are the sanctions he will face. Now some of these sanctions are personal against him and the vast wealth he has amassed as President of Russia.

The only reason he is doing this is to try and keep Russia relevant to the rest of the world. The thing he hates the most is when no-one is paying any attention to him or Russia. 


I'm not sure I agree with your interpretation of his motives. I think it is more like an opportunity to loot another country. Putin is the kleptocrat's kleptocrat.

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  On 2/19/2022 at 4:16 AM, AussieBob said:

Think of this issue as the Bay of Pigs.  Unless NATO backs down and agrees to withdraw ballistic missile sites in the bordering NATO countries to Russia, then Russia will invade and destroy them itself.  If anyone thinks that this is about big bad Putin trying to make USSR again, then you are very misinformed - so go and get informed.  

For a start look at how NATO has for many decades promised not to expand into countries that border Russia.  The look at how NATO orchestrated the coup against the President of Ukraine in 2014 and the Civil War that has been going on ever since.  The peoples of Eastern Ukraine (the ousted President was one) do not want to be a part of NATO/West - they are Russians by descent and want to be a part of Russia. Crimea was annexed in response to both NATO expansions and the people voting to leave.

Unless NATO/West wants a war (maybe they do) they must back down.  Putin is not going to back down - he is behaving very similar to like Kennedy did - take those missiles away or we will invade and destroy them.


I don't think I've ever disagreed with any of your posts, but this time I think you've got it seriously wrong.

There is only one NATO member bordering on Russia that has Nukes: Turkey https://armscontrolcenter.org/fact-sheet-u-s-nuclear-weapons-in-europe/ and they've been there since 1961.

As for the claim that people of Eastern Ukraine are "Russians by descent", it should be noted that Russia invaded Ukraine in 1917, and fought a 4 year with Ukrainians before conquering them in 1921. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet–Ukrainian_War These "Russians by descent" are no different from the Germans who were given land in Poland under Hitler's Lebensraum policy during WWII. If you  know anything about the way Russia administered the various territories of the old Russian Empire, you would know that the titular head of each territory was always ethnically from that region, but the real power was the No 2 man, who was always a Russian.

Given those circumstances, I think it's fair to say that those "Russians" should either be bound by the democratic will of the majority, or move to Russia, or fight for their own independence. Russia should not be aiding and abetting these people in a proxy war.

As for Crimea, there are echoes of 1938 when Hitler marched into the Sudetenland to purportedly protect ethnic Germans. That was the same excuse given by Putin to invade the Crimea. Russia then organised a referendum 24 days later under armed Russian Military supervision. I think most of us know how crooked Russian elections are as far as that goes, notwithstanding the fact that the international community declared the referendum to be illegal.

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  On 2/19/2022 at 9:52 AM, snapdragon said:

Why has RT gone from German airwaves? And Press TV.

The west is paraniod. Scared of Russia. Scared of China. Scared or Iran.


Have they both stopped transmitting?  They are both available on the net - in Thailand anyway.

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